The key to pet safety in car

Just like us like to go out once in a while, many dogs like an enjoyable car ride too. Lots of dogs get extremely excited when they realize they are going for a ride. While does your dog wear the dog car harness during travel? If not you could be breaking the law. Car safety for dogs is really important to dog’s enjoyable experience.

Seat belts save lives. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 64 percent of people killed in car accidents were not wearing a seat belt. For this reason and the enforcement of seat belt laws, most people wear seat belts while driving and riding in the cars of others. However, many people neglect to follow the same precaution with their dogs, allowing their pets to roam freely inside their vehicles and endangering their lives.

Love life, to love the little things around us. Cherish life, to cherish every moment of life.


Healthy Habits Every Person Should Have

Everyone should have a healthy body to live in the world. In your daily life, pay more attention to these aspects, maybe you can have a healthy life.
1. Maintain healthy eating habits. Avoid fad diets-they are often incredibly unhealthy. To get all the nutrition the human body needs, you must eat a balanced diet including dairy, grains, protein, fruits and veggies, as well as fat (yes, even fat!).[6] By doing so, you’ll have a healthy heart, healthy brain, and a fully functional immune system. Eating highly varied foods will also help insure you get all the vitamins, minerals, oils, and enzymes your body craves.

2. Drink more water. Water helps flush metabolic wastes to keep your metabolism in top shape. Water can also help you feel fuller, so drink at least a half-gallon (2 liters) of water every day (or more i

3. Sleep well every night. Adults should get 7 to 9 hours daily, whereas school-aged children should get 10 to 11. One of the absolute most important ways of improving the quality of your sleep is to do it in complete darkness, as even small amounts of light interfere with the chemicals that tell your body to rest. If you can’t eliminate the light in your room, wear an eye mask. Another one of the best ways to improve your sleep is to exercise.

4. Stick to an exercise regimen. If you don’t want to pay for a gym membership, try strength-training at home. The muscle you develop will help increase your metabolism: the bodies of muscular people burn more calories even while they’re at rest. To help you stick to your regimen, keep a workout journal. Plan out when and where you will work out each week and stick to it. Each time you work out, write down what you did and for how long.

5. Limit your vices. Quit smoking, beat drug addiction, and, if necessary, stop drinking. Avoid other risky behaviors like speeding, fighting, unsafe sex, and excessive thrill-seeking.

6. Be hygienic. Wash your hands thoroughly after coming into contact with a sick person, using the bathroom, or anything else that could make you sick. (If you’re not sure what “thoroughly” entails, sing Happy Birthday to You in your head as you scrub–when you are done singing the song, you should finish washing your hands.) In addition to flossing regularly, brush your teeth and tongue at least twice daily to limit plaque and harmful bacteria. Take showers regularly. Schedule doctor’s and dentist’s appointments to make sure everything in your body is working properly and you are as healthy as you can be.

7. Make little lifestyle changes. Don’t tire yourself out by making large gestures toward health without addressing the small stuff too. Instead of running yourself ragged at the gym three days a week, park farther away from the store,walk the dog more often, take the stairs instead of the elevator, or weed your garden; instead of attacking your veggies and snacking distractedly in front of the computer or TV, set time aside to slowly enjoy each meal and prevent mindless overeating. Get your new habits to stick by tackling them at the grass-roots level.

How to choose a pillow

Is it time to buy a new pillow? Do you have a good night sleep? Do you wake up feeling rested? Do you wake up with a tight or sore neck? Do you wake up with Pin’s & Needles in your hands? Do you wake up with headaches? Then it maybe time to look for a new pillow, and below we show you a few tips in how to choose a pillow.


Top seven tips to choosing the right pillow

  • Get the right head and neck support – Who would ever want to sleep awkwardly?
  • Become aware of the position you sleep in – That way you know what sort of height you want your pillow.
  • Consider a pillow that is hypo-allergenic – You can be surprised by how much can accumulate in your pillow over time. This includes, skin cells, dust mites, fungus and mould. Memory foam pillows are a great choice as they are hypoallergenic and usually recommended for sufferers of asthma and allergies.
  • Choose a pillow that is appropriate for your body size – if you are of a smaller frame you will not need as firm of a pillow compared to larger frames or people with broader shoulders.
  • Consider a pillow that is size adjustable – This is a great way to choose what pillow height is the most comfortable for you.
  • Keep track of how old your pillow is. Pillows should be replaced every 18 months to make sure you are getting the proper neck support.
  • Buy a pillow that is good quality and will last.

Hiking with the dog

Dogs like mountain climbing, to exercise its ability to walk and run, climbing makes the dog muscles more strong. Mountain climbing, of course, also benefits to the dog owners, your cardiopulmonary function and body coordination ability can be strengthened, And more importantly, mountain climbing is a good way to lose weight! If your dog likes excitement and love adventure, then bring it to climb the mountain.
But hiking with a dog is different than hiking with another person. It adds layers of complication and responsibility, too. From choosing dog-friendly trails to etiquette to ensuring your four-legged buddy stays safe, we’ve got tips about dogs on trails.
1. Obedience training
Before you set foot on a trail, make sure your dog is trained and can be trusted to behave when faced with other hikers, dogs and wildlife.
2. Leash and collar
Always carry a leash, even when it is not required. Situations may arise that warrant leashing your dog.

3. Water and bowl
Don’t count on finding water along the trail. Pack enough for the entire day. A good rule of thumb is three liters of water for your dog’s day hike.
4. Dog food and treats
Keep your dog well fed on the trail, because she will burn more calories than usual. Bring extra snacks in case you get lost and need to spend the night in the woods.
5. Plastic bags and trowel
Be courteous and leave the trail as you found it. Packing out your dog’s poop is the best etiquette – or bury it as you would your own waste (200 feet away from the trail and water sources).
6. ID tag and picture identification
Make sure your dog is properly identified with tags should she become separated from you. Put a photo of your dog in your pack.
7. Doggy backpack
Let your dog carry her own treats and water. Check that packs have reflective areas for night hiking and are padded for a comfortable fit.
8. Basic canine first-aid kid
Includes gauze pads and tape in case of cuts, a couple of bouillon cubes to encourage the dog to drink if she’s getting dehydrated, and antibiotic cream for dressing wounds that might be infected.

Nylon Swivel Clip Saftey Straps For Pets!

I am getting a new truck soon and so I’ve been searching for car related items to get for my dogs.
Because I want them to travel with me, go to places with me or just have some road trip fun.
But if you know driving and you know dogs, sometimes you just can’t.

But using these straps, I feel much safer about bringing my beloved pooch with me.

They are really simple to use.
They clip right into the seat belt clip.
Simple as that. No additional things to do, no messy hookups.
Just click and done!

You just attach the closure to your dog’s harness, and you are good to go!
(do NOT attach to a collar, it might choke your dog!)

I really love these, they are made out of a very strong and durable Nylon Material.
They are adjustable and can fit just about any harness.

The clips are strong and secure, no bending or breaking at all.
and they swivel, which means your dog (or cat, or any animal you choose to attach this to!) can walk around and be themselves without hurting themselves or breaking the leash!

They shipped to me in a bag,

I am impressed with these, my dogs are pretty happy too.
we all can’t wait to road trip with our new saftey seat belt straps!
I highly recommend and approve!

Home Safety Tips for Pet Owners

The average home is filled with items that could potentially harm a pet. If you toss old razors into your bathroom trash can, your pet could get into it and end up with cuts. If you leave chocolate where a pet can reach it, you’re likely heading to the vet soon.

When you make the decision to own a pet, keeping them safe becomes a part of your responsibility. You should take the time to research and understand what items you have around that could hurt them.

There’s no uniform way to pet-proof your home– it varies by pet and home. To get a more personalized idea of what you can and should do to make your home safe for a pet, you may benefit from talking to an expert.

In the meantime, we’ll take you through a typical home room-by-room to discuss the common hazards found in each and suggest easy ways to deal with them.

The kitchen is probably the most dangerous room in your house – for you and your pets. You at least know what items to avoid, but animals don’t see the same risk in a hot stove, sharp knife, or indigestible trash items that you do.

The most effective way to make your kitchen safer for your pets is to make it inaccessible to them. For some pets, you can install a gate to make it impossible for them to enter the room without you letting them in – but this solution might be insufficient if you have an agile pet prone to making tall leaps. In that case, you need to attend to each of the risky areas separately.


Cats Vs. Dogs

Every man has his hobbyhorse. As pet lovers, some people love cats, some people love dogs. Dos are loyal, diligent, friendly, while cats are gentle, mysterious. In a word, are you a dog person or a cat person?
By B Hix, Dog person 100%
 I grew up in a household where there were never less than 5 dogs at any time, usually Poodles. Currently I have 10 dogs. Lifetime count of dogs, unknown – but I have quite a few of them in boxes on my mantle. Currently I have 2 Great Danes, 1 Cocker Spaniel, 2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and 4 Chihuahuas. But we will be losing one of our Cavaliers probably this year. She is an old girl who started to lose a lot of weight (she wasn’t over weight to begin with). Had an ultrasound done and they found a mass on her stomach. So, we are enjoying our last days with her, making sure she is comfortable.

Anonymous: Cat person. Definitely a cat person.
I find that people tend to favor the animal who’s traits they have the most in common with. For me, a cat as a pet is the best fit. Dogs are great companions that have proved to be unwaveringly loyal pets time and time again and has rightly earned the term “mans best friend”. There lots of great things about dogs that I’m sure a majority of these answers will address due to the uneven ratio of cat: dog lovers, BUT- I still gotta pick cats. Cats, in short, just don’t give a damn about what anybody thinks. They are their own master, never taking orders from anyone. They do what they want, when they want, where they want. Cats are so fiercely independent that they’d really prefer if you’d kindly leave them the hell alone so they can go do cat stuff 99% of the time. This “I need my space” thing cats have is one of the reasons so many people dislike cats IMO. I appreciate that my cat needs his space because as someone who’s comfortable being alone with only a nice cup of coffee and my laptop as company, I too need my space. My cat is also extremely loyal to me… but not really anyone else. It makes my bond with my cat feel a little more special knowing that only I can rub his belly without my hand being torn to pieces.

By Jennifer,
I can’t really say that I am one or the other. I currently have a beautiful calico-tabby, Caramel, who chose me when I was visiting my daughter last year. There were a number of kittens, but she became very attached to me from the first. She is very affectionate. But I have also had many dogs that were part of my life. For many years, I didn’t have a cat, because my father was not very fond of them. But I finally adopted a kitten from a cousin, and have since had many that were a part of my life. I have loved them, and I have loved my dogs as well. They are often complimentary.
And I have had other pets…hamsters, gerbils, and mice. I had one mouse, who I raised from birth. I named him Spot, because he was a dove gray mouse with a white spot on his forehead. I hand fed him, and he became very tame. He learned to get on top of his little house if he wanted to be picked up, I would put my hand next to the house, and he would hope into it. He would then proceed to groom me, like he would another mouse. He also would chatter away. If he wanted to be picked up, but I was too busy, he would get upset and run back and forth in his cage, stopping to glare at me. And believe me, a mouse can glare quite effectively. Sadly, he died after a couple of years. Mice are not long-lived pets. I still miss him terribly.
Just as I miss the cats that have passed on, as well as a number of dogs.

And what’s your opinion? Kindly let us know, and welcome to leave your comment.

Some factors influence your sleep

Sleep serves many vital functions. For bodybuilders the main functions are growth and mental alertness. Sleep provides these effects directly. Without adequate sleep, time in the gym could be, to a large degree, wasted. Want to sleep better, longer, or more comfortably? With some simple changes, you can turn your bedroom into a tranquil sleep sanctuary that will set you up for the restorative zzz’s that you want and deserve every night.

Check your lighting.

Hopefully, you’ve already banned electronics (including computers, tablets, phones, and TVs) from your bedroom, since the blue light from these devices can interfere with melatonin production.

Assess your bedding.

If yourmattress is saggy, scratchy, or generally uncomfortable, or you’ve been waking up with back pain, it may be time for a new one. Invest in a high-quality mattress that’s firm, but not excessively hard. Similarly, make sure your pillows are soft enough to feel cozy, but also provide plenty of neck support. If your sheets are worn or frayed, it’s time to replace them. Choose good-quality ones in a color or pattern that you find calming and comforting. The same goes for your blankets, comforter, and duvet cover.

Keep it cool.

Being hot while you’re sleeping can wake you (and possibly your partner), especially if you get sweaty. Keep your bedroom temperature cool, ideally between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit, all year long to help you sleep soundly and deeply. Consider installing a ceiling fan to keep the air circulating.

Clear the clutter.

To create a relaxing environment, keep your nightstand, closets, and dresser organized, and remove piles of magazines, mail, clothes, or other items from around your bed. That doesn’t mean that you have to go completely minimalist—it’s fine to keep some books and soothing scents within arm’s reach. Just be sure to eliminate visual chaos, which can feel stressful when you’re trying to unwind.

Review : INNX Memory Foam Mattress Topper ( Queen, 57.9″x78″)

Dogs help you make more friends

Having a pet is a wonderful thing. If you do have one, it can provide plenty of ways to meet new friends. The best part is, you’ll already have something in common so conversations may flow a little bit easier in the beginning..Here are some ways that can help you meet more people and make more friends.

1.  You Can Meet New People at the Dog Park

If you’ve never been to a dog park, it’s definitely an experience. They bring out a variety of people, from pet owners to those who just like to watch the pooches run around and play. You get to see how people interact with their pets, which can be a telling part of their personality. Hanging out at an animal park can be a great way for individuals and couples alike to make new friends.

Some things to chat about at the park include:

The dogs! If you see someone you’d like to get to know, ask them about their pet. People love talking about their animals, so find out how long they have had it, what kind of breed it is, and tips they have for training.

  • Your aim is to make friends, so get a feel for how often others go to the park and how long they stay each time.
  • Other animal-related events. You may learn about new doggie daycares, owner events, or even other parks while there.
  • General questions. Ask about the best way to get your puppy potty trained, how to teach it to sit, where to buySUV cargo liner, or any other question you haven’t found the answer to yet in relation to your pet. Hanging out with other dog owners can be a learning experience that makes you a better pet owner.

2.  Sit Outside With Your Dog at the Coffee Shop

Many coffee shops have outside areas where you can hang out with your pet. Make sure your dog is socialized so if a stranger walks up and talks to you, it doesn’t bark or snap. Remember, you’re trying to attract people to you, not repel them.

3.  Meet Other Dog Owners at the Groomer

Some dogs do not like the groomer, so you’ll see plenty of owners trying to soothe their pet while they wait in line. This atmosphere makes people very receptive to conversation and meeting someone new. You can offer sympathy for their scared pooch while you strike up a conversation with the owner.


4.  They Help You Get Out for a Walk Where You Can Meet Your Neighbors

Walking with your pet is great way to find friends right in your own neighborhood. Not only that, but you may connect with someone who wants to walk with you, giving you both health benefits and time with a friend. It’s a win-win.

5.  Connecting With People Who Can Dog Sit for You

If you need to go out of town, you’ll have to either take your pet or find a reputable sitter. One option is to connect with someone you might know casually and develop a deeper friendship. You could even trade offers to watch each other’s dogs when you go out of town. This not only provides you with a new friend, but it also gives you peace of mind that your pooch is in a safe environment.